Jesus and The Way



I. Basic Community- 

strict religious society (celibacy) (celibate-separatists)- even ‘camps’ within towns maintained separation)/ “Man carrying water scripture.”


more normative society (Marriage) (b); Jesus has no problem mixing with others (give scriptures).  [Was Jesus married?]






[New Covenant: Jer. 31.31-33, especially v. 33, “I will put my law on their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”  This sounds like a shift from the strict rule (outward) into the heart teaching Jesus will later espouse (inward).]

predestination–no predestination (b) (Further text hangs on the P.Son, (give scripture PS)

“The sect divided humanity between the righteous and wicked and asserted that everything that happens in the world is irrevocably predestined.”



Prodigal Son

Parable of the Prodigal Son (more on the parable itself, or continue after this section)

1. This parable associates each individual as a member of the family of man and child of God.  All men and women are included much as if it were a literal family, or represents the whole of the family of man, since it is that this father is being addressed by his youngest son.  The father of the sons represents, “The God Who For Us Gives All Things.”  (Jesus sets the background and conditions) and later the pathway back to God.  

The Father is portrayed as the source, and within this parable, the two very different sons are inspected. The eldest is dutiful but lacks imagination; he later will reveal himself as perceiving what he has earned and thus how he should be treated, as the younger son (after suffering) gladly receives what is offered.*

*Receive what God offers, but not by man’s commandments (vs.).  This scripture reflects Abel.


Jesus speaks a great deal on the matter of receiving (list scriptures & give brief commentary).  

Mt. 21.21-22

Mt. 4.19: “And the cares of this world..,”—pathway minimizes these cares or worries, your inner journey and how you handle affairs is more important.  “…deceitfulness of riches…lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”  As to worldly matters, abundance is the proper goal.  From abundance, riches begin to flow.  Abundance prepares one for wealth, should one choose wealth, but the pursuit of ever more money should be carefully considered.  Jesus did not prosper the idea of pursuing wealth, instead, he prospered the idea of spiritual and (physical abundance?). 

Mk. 4.20: entails understanding on different levels.  This scripture embodies a secret key to how to receive and what you should move toward, which is the greater understanding (receiving) and the more expansive embodiment (harvest).  Receiving is developed from how and where you sow.  Reaping is a harvesting opportunity, ‘The fields are already white to harvest’, John 4.35.

Mk. 4.21: “Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed?”  This is the instigation to manifest, to actually perform in the manner of your pathway.  A person cannot provide dinner unless the harvest has been brought in.  

Mk. 4.22: “For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad.”  This scripture tells us that what is within you will manifest regardless of whether you think you can control the manifestation or not.  Nothing is hidden, it will manifest.  The caveat is to develop from within what is good and bountiful, such that the manifestation is positive or constructive.

These principles Jesus speaks of were known and kept as secrets within the priesthood.  The mercurial routes people take to hide, to cover up, to defend their intellectual manner of perceiving reality, are to no avail.  People believe that they can keep some evil inclination secret and control it; Jesus teaches just the opposite, that it will manifest regardless of your efforts.  

Whether within marriage, business, or family, all that is you will be revealed.  The pathway is not for those who rub their eyelids and ask if the sun has come up, it is for those who choose, those who will sow the seeds that lead to that shining city upon the hill.



The Way that Jesus teaches has more to do with what we receive (harvest) than it does with how we determine what we have earned or what we think is fair.  Removing ‘fairness” allows a person to receive; remember the master who reaps where he does not sow?  Opportunity can be part of abundance, yet no one can determine fairness in such a situation.

Pharisees perceived themselves as followers of many righteous rules, thus leading to an earned righteous deliverance.  Osseaen Essenes were similar in outlook, especially within the priesthood.  Yet, they cannot receive Jesus’ teaching.  They are the first son, sober but lacking in the effervescent nature of the spirit.

The youngest son denotes publicans, non-practicing Jews (yes, there were some), and those whose lives would be described as sinful, whether financial (Sadducees), moral, or ethical, especially concerning connivance or greed.


[No soul is predestined into sin or destruction.]

“They preferred belief in Fate to freedom of the Will and, rejecting the notion of bodily resurrection, envisaged a purely spiritual afterlife.” p. 47/

Acts 1.10; Mt. 23.27-29.  Mt. 23.26-27, shows what souls need to do to change, inferring no predestination—those who think they are ‘the righteous’ and will be saved from perdition are those who face a renewal of the soul.


The roots of the prodigal son lie within a much deeper conflict—to remove the commandments or overseership of the Father means that you will now become your own god, “You will be like God.”  This crossover point is based on the notion that your ideas are better than the Father’s, it is demanding; its nature is licentious, for the choice to entertain evil will transfer to each personally, and lawlessness abounds.  Adam and Eve faced a similar dilemma.

The true state of how far man has lost consciousness (fallen) is basically described above.  To sin you must run from God (Father) as the son does.  You make bad choices that plague thee, lessons remain unlearned.  The demand for settlement is much like embezzlement or extortion—’ if you do not give me what I want I shall be unhappy and despise you’.  “It is rightfully mine, why not now?!”  (Satan’s argument to Eve ), Adam and Eve.

Not becoming settled with God opens the door to the winds that blow.  A key component of the Way is to stabilize soul progression by sowing a constructive pathway.  Soon, running from his father and the farm (God) the prodigal soothes his first rush of freedom with indulgences, unfortunately until all of his money is gone—Lust often leads to poverty!



Ref. [“Lord, Lord” but I knew them not.]. 


hating enemies–loving enemies (b)

DSS quotes

(Jn. 15.25,  “They hated me without a cause.” (Insert J. comments)



Keepers of secret knowledge–Revealer of secret knowledge (x)

[quotes from Dead Sea Scrolls, community rule, office of the Master]

(Parable teaching meant only for the priesthood is revealed.)

(Spoke to soul identity (disciples) (himself) (Pharisees, Ossean Essene, ( list scriptures)

(Reference other articles for discussion: Early History of The Way)



ministry within the group (commune)–ministry to all, all included in the kingdom (x)



Covenant is Law, for justice, and for purity before the Lord–Love/Forgiveness, communion with God (by actions, not just ritual), 2. heart teaching quickens the awakening of the spirit within (k)

  1. scriptures concerning heart teaching, also awakening or asleep.

The Law is the guide (detail of the law (“…study the law continually”)–spirit is the guide (3. revealed knowledge pathway, (“Be like God ref..”) (k)

purity=celibacy within the community, priests, and laymen.             Jesus=many quotes concerning purity laws; Laws of God superceed=          1. more expansive, pure heart, without intent to harm=heart teaching, you live with God in your heart, the spirit is active.



The Demiurge (Evil) can be overcome by purity & Law (outward attribution)–Demiurge is overcome (delivered by) the spirit (within) (inward attribution) (k)

Jesus taught that sin was created at the moment, that is, that you originate sin, but other than your creation, sin does not exist; there are evil influences, [but there is no wicked creator concerning the earth plane.]  All is God, all is one. For the person, this equates to wholeness.




2 comments on “Jesus and The Way

  1. What an insightful article! Your ability to break down complex topics into easily understandable points is truly commendable. I appreciate the thorough research and the engaging writing style that keeps readers hooked from start to finish. For anyone who found this piece as fascinating as I did, thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing such valuable content. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!

  2. Great article! I appreciate the clear and insightful perspective you’ve shared. It’s fascinating to see how this topic is developing. For those interested in diving deeper, I found an excellent resource that expands on these ideas: check it out here. Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and continuing the discussion!

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